MobileReact nativeExpo

Expo Updates

Configuring Expo Updates

npx expo install expo-updates
eas update:configure

Build and Publish Expo Update with Dynamic App Config

use cross-env or dotenv in CLI to set the env value during running eas update

# example
npx cross-env EXPO_PROJECT_OWNER=$your_expo_project_owner_value EXPO_PROJECT_ID=$expo_project_id_value EXPO_UPDATES_URL=$expo_updates_url eas update --channel staging --message "handle something"

Build and Publish Expo Update with Environment Context

EAS Update doesn't read env from eas.json, it will read .env

add NODE_ENV=production/test/development and make sure to add --clear-cache (to make sure expo loads the fresh value of the selected environment variables)

# example
npx cross-env NODE_ENV=production eas update --clear-cache --channel production --message "handle something"


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