Software Development




MDN Web DocsResources for developers, by developers.
w3schoolsNo need to explain, who doesnā€™t know w3schools? šŸ˜‚
RoadmapDeveloper Roadmaps
A11y Projecta community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
TypeScript Utilitiesutility types to facilitate common type transformations
Playful Programming (previously Unicorn Utterances)learn all kinds of programming, from introductory ideas to advanced abstractions.
Learn TypeScriptinteractive course for learning modern typescript
SelfhostHQguides and best practices for self-hosting services

Engineering Practices

Conventional CommitsA specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages
Conventional CommentsComments that are easy to grok and grep
Node best practicesThe Node.js best practices list
Clean Code JavaScriptClean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
Clean Code TypeScriptClean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript
Google Engineering Practices DocumentationGeneralized engineering practices
Code Review PracticesHow to do code reviews
Git StackingThe stacking workflow
Stacked Pull Requests

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Patterns, Architectures

PatternsImprove how you architect webapps.
Refactoring GuruRefactoring and design patterns.


The Twelve-Factor Appmethodology for building software-as-a-service apps
Agile ManifestoAgile manifesto
Egoless ProgrammingThe Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

Leadership, Feed of Thoughts

Site / AppDescription
LeadDevThe home of engineering leadership
The Gitlab HandbookEngineering Leadership Role
Leaders Eat LastSimon Sinekā€™s Leaders Eat Last summary
Paul Grahamā€™s Essays


Site / AppDescription
FreeCodeCampLearn to code, earn certifications
SoloLearnLearn to code for free
eggheadfind great courses here
JAMStackTrainingLearn JAMStack for free.
LearningTypescriptTypeScript learning book
TotalTypescript Free TutorialsFree TypeScript Tutorials


Site / AppDescription
Git ExplorerFind the right git commands you need without digging through the web.
dev-resourcesCollaborative list of resources for developers.
Laws of UXa collection of best practices that designers can consider when building user interfaces.
DevHintsRicoā€™s cheatsheets


Web Browser EngineeringWeb browser engineering (a book)
How HTTPs WorksA cat explains how HTTPS worksā€¦in a comic! šŸ˜»


fe.engineerFrontend Engineer Handbook
Frontend Interview HandbookFront end interview preparation materials for busy engineers - trivias, coding, algorithms, front end system design and more!

Frameworks - Libraries

Framework / LibraryDescription
BulmaGreat CSS Framework alternative to Bootstrap
SaleorGraphQL-First E-Commerce platform framework
Evergreen UIReact UI Framework by Segment
Chakra UIReact Component Library
Aleph.jsThe React framework in Deno.

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Public API ListsLooking for public API for learning / fun building?
- public-apis
- another one
Public APIsA directory of Free Public & Open REST APIs

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Some catalog of stuffs

Site / AppDescription
ProductHuntFind interesting products around the web.
AlternativeToFind Alternatives and Similar Web Apps.
Awesome JSFind awesome packages for the framework you are using
OpenbaseFind the right JS package with powerful insights
StackShareFind the right developer tools and the companies that use them.
OpenbaseCompare open-source packages with powerful metrics and user reviews.
LibHuntDiscover trending open-source projects and their alternatives
OpenSaucedInsights on GitHub repositories


Site / AppDescription
Blockly GamesFun Games to learn programming
Flexbox DefenseLearn flexbox through game


Site / AppDescription
devRantFun community of developers.
Some part of it is like the 9Gag of developers.
sw-yx/spark-joyanother list of wonderful stuffs.

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